JS Pest Control Carpet Beetle Control
Serving the Entire Las Vegas Metro Area, Including Henderson, Summerlin and Boulder City

JS Pest Control Carpet Beetle Control
Serving the Entire Las Vegas Metro Area, Including Henderson, Summerlin and Boulder City


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Signs of Carpet Beetles
If you begin to notice holes in your carpet, nice fabrics and clothing, you may have carpet beetles. Ranging in a horrifying class of gross and disgusting, carpet beetles will eat pretty much any fabric or food in your home.

Why Treat Carpet Beetles
There are 4 classes of carpet beetles: the balck carpet beetle, the common carpet beetle, the varied carpet beetle, and the furniture beetle. These microscopic bugs are about 1/8th an inch in their mature form and are usually black or grey in color. Carpet beetle larvae have tiny bristles for legs and sometimes appear clear or greyish in tone. Black carpet beetles are the most common type of carpet beetle. In nature they survive off of pollen and nectar, but in your house they will eat anything that attracts them, especially your carpet and including your food!
Carpet beetles are sneaky little creepers. To get into your home, they’ll attach themselves to your garden’s flowers, fabrics from outdoor furniture, and your window screens. Without knowing you can carry in a whole family of carpet beetles with a bouquet of roses. Once they get inside and into your carpet, the beetles find a place to lay their eggs. Typically they choose dark spaces such as closets, corners, behind dressers and underneath beds. An adult carpet beetle can lay up to 50 eggs in a cycle. Without dealing with the creepers your home can become infested with them. Carpet beetles will munch away your carpet, leaving you holes and spots. They also will destroy your nice fabrics and clothing. And as long as their nest goes unfound, they will continue to reproduce until they’ve taken over the entire house.

How We Treat
Vacuuming is the go-to solution to getting rid of carpet beetles. Your high powered vacuum possesses more than enough sucking power to rip the bugs out your carpet and away forever. However if you have a severe case, vacuuming may not be enough. For infestations that have you vacuuming three times a day, it’s best to seek professional help from a pest control specialist. An exterminator will be able to attack the problem and prevent the recurrence of bugs. They will be able to spray your doors, windows, screens, closet space and carpeting. They will also be able to set traps that will catch and kill the carpet beetles, keeping your home beetle free for good.

Give JS Pest the Job!
We're actual, local, human-being type persons,
in business since 1999.
- Locally Owned & Operated
- Residential & Commercial Service
- Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
- 24/7 Emergency Service
- Phones Answered by Live Knowledgeable Pest Professionals
- All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Call JS Pest Control now to find an appointment that is convenient for you and sleep well again.

(702) 660-6555
(702) 660-6555(702) 997-8565
(702) 997-8565(702) 802-0600
(702) 802-0600(702) 706-0552
(702) 706-0552(702) 802-0600
(702) 802-0600(702) 706-0552
(702) 706-0552(702) 997-8565
(702) 997-8565(888) 351-5406
(888) 351-5406