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JS Pest Control Carpenter Ant Extermination

Serving the Entire Las Vegas Metro Area, Including Henderson, Summerlin and Boulder City

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JS Pest Control Carpenter Ant Extermination

Serving the Entire Las Vegas Metro Area, Including Henderson, Summerlin and Boulder City


Signs of Carpenter Ants

You should call an expert if you notice:

  • Piles of wood shavings/sawdust where it should not be
  • Rustling noises in walls
  • Large, black ants
  • Winged ants
  • Damaged wood
Carpenter ants crawling on wood

Why Treat Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants, commonly referred to as “big black ants”, can lower your home’s value by causing serious structural damage and cosmetic damage. Therefore, it is vital that they are treated swiftly and professionally. They do not eat wood as termites do, but rather chip out wood in order to make a nest inside of walls, beams, sills and joints in a house. In order to get rid of carpenter ants, the nest (or nests) have to be located. Just getting rid of one colony does not mean that the infestation has been taken care of. The longer carpenter ants are in your home, the more damage they will cause to the infrastructure. Killing these pests can also be tricky so it’s best to call a professional like those at JS Pest Control to be sure that your carpenter ants are exterminated in the safest, easiest way possible.

Carpenter Ant Icon

How We Treat

First, our trained technicians will correctly identify if you have winged carpenter ants. Many other companies will misidentify these bugs as termites, which means treatment would not be as effective. Following treatment, we will also review prevention techniques. Branches and shrubs touching the structure should be trimmed back to prevent direct access to the home. Where possible, it’s recommended to reduce the amount of mulch, and instead use stone if the property is prone to carpenter ant infestations. Remove any unnecessary earth-to-wood contact at the struction, and remove any dead or decaying wood. We’ll even look a step further to find the cause of the decaying wood, such as a leaky pipe, that could create problems in the future. We provide a full 1 year guarantee on our treatment, and will return at no extra charge to retreat if necessary.

Carpenter Ants Techs

Why Choose JS Pest Control For Carpenter Ant Extermination?

  • Licensed technicians

  • Free inspection

  • Full 1 year guarantee on treatment (renewable)

  • No extra charge to retreat if they return

  • Free emergency service

Carpenter Ants - with general prohibition symbol
Carpenter Ants - with general prohibition symbol

Give JS Pest the Job!

We're actual, local, human-being type persons,
in business since 1999.

  • Locally Owned & Operated
  • Residential & Commercial Service
  • Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
  • 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Phones Answered by Live Knowledgeable Pest Professionals
  • All Major Credit Cards Accepted

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JS Pest Control Truck

Call JS Pest Control now to find an appointment that is convenient for you and sleep well again.

When you call JS Pest Control, a technician will come to your home or business and perform a complete initial consultation at no charge.
Next, we will develop a pest elimination program designed for you by your technician and our team of in-house entomologists.
Be confident that you will have the best solution for your individual problem. Call JS Pest Control now and schedule your free initial consultation.
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4429 Losee Road
North Las Vegas, NV 89081